Romans Series: Fulfilling the Law by Loving Your Neighbor (1-24-2021)


The Roman letter is rich with great explanations and logical reasons for how obeying the Lord solves a number of issues for us. The proper response to governing authorities and higher powers, at the human level, is no different.  Fulfilling the law (even when it comes to how we react to a government with which we disagree) by loving your neighbor is still the solution.

Listen as we dive back into Romans 13 and look at the answers that the Apostle Paul, who lived under a pagan Roman empire, gave the church at Rome.  Spoiler: Jesus said the same thing.


Sunday Morning Worship

Good morning! Today, we rejoin the Roman letter in chapter 13. The last time we discussed this chapter, we looked at the scriptural response of followers of Jesus Christ to ruling authorities and governmental entities through the lens of the Apostle Paul and the Gospels. Please join us as we further that discussion by addressing the tie between "fulfilling the law" and "loving your neighbor."

Posted by Zion Rest Primitive Baptist Church on Sunday, January 24, 2021