Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at Chapter 15. The believing Gentiles of the churches of Asia Minor ministered to their brethren at the church in Jerusalem and set an example for us to continue to follow today.
Sunday Morning WorshipGood morning! Last week we discussed the numerous prophecies of the Gentiles praising Jehovah/Yahweh mentioned in the Old Testament, and showed that the gospel was to go throughout Judea and Samaria, and then to all the world (i.e. the gentiles). This has been God's plan the whole time. Today, we will continue in Romans 15 and examine the example of the gentile churches glorying in Christ by providing contributions to the holy ones at Jerusalem, as well as Paul's ministry to reach the end of the known world at that time (Spain). Please join us as we glean more incite for our own walk, in these troublesome times, from this blessed apostle and the words of God.
Posted by Zion Rest Primitive Baptist Church on Sunday, February 14, 2021